Ports and Terminals

502kg of cocaine seized at Port of Santos

Oct, 27, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202045

On October 26th at the Port of Santos, a joint operation between the Civil and Federal Police and the Federal Revenue Service resulted in the seizure of 502 kg of cocaine hidden inside a container ship destined for Europe that was filled with sugar.

The arrest occurred thanks to investigations by the 1st General Investigation Office (DEIC) in Santos, combatting drug trafficking in the region. During investigations, police received information that this cargo ship in the port was carrying cocaine.

The Civil Police team tracked the container and found that it was already inside a customs terminal. Therefore, the Federal Revenue Service was called to the terminal. The shipment was located and inspected, and the 502 kg of cocaine was found hidden among sacks of sugar.

According to the authorities, the container was headed for the Port of Valencia, in Spain. The drug was seized and sent to the Santos Federal Police Station, where the case will be investigated.

Source: G1

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