
70,000 tonnes of illegal manganese ore apprehended at port in Pará

Aug, 24, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202034

On August 21, the National Mining Agency – ANM, seized 70,000 tonnes of manganese ore at the Port of Vila do Conde, the main export port in the state of Pará. The seized material, valued at R$60 million, was destined for China and was being extracted illegally in southern Pará.

There were four apprehensions of illegal manganese ore sent to the companies Sigma Extração de Metais (37,000 tonnes), Timbro (SC) Foreign Trade (18,000 tonnes), RMB Manganês (3,000 tonnes) and Chin Vest Comércio Import and Export ( 12,000 tonnes).

None of the companies has an extraction authorization for manganese. Timbro was authorized to mine (manganese cannot be mined). RMB asked for the renewal of its mining license, but it has not yet been granted by ANM. Sigma and Chin Vest issued an invoice from the state of Goiás, but there are no records of entry of the material in Pará, which characterizes that mining was taking place in the state of Pará. The inspectors took samples to analyze the material. The companies will be sued, and the material will be made available at auction.

Manganese ore is considered an essential material in the manufacture of metal alloys, combined, especially with iron, in the production of steel. It can also be used in copper, zinc, aluminum, tin and lead alloys. According to data from ANM, the vast majority of exports of this type of ore go to the Chinese market.

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