98 kg of cocaine confiscated in containers at the Port of Santos, SP

Nov, 27, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202145

Federal internal revenue teams located 98 kg of cocaine inside of two containers at the Port of Santos on November 25th. The refrigerated containers were carrying a shipment of Tahitian lemons to Europe.

According to the authorities, the discovery took place during an analysis of export operations using images from scanners. The cargo destined for Rotterdam, Holland, contained more than 11,000 cardboard boxes with Tahiti lemons which were removed from the site for inspection.

The narcotic was found hidden in the structure of the containers, in the area reserved for the components for cooling the units. One of them contained 45 kg of the drug, and the second container contained 53 kg. The cocaine was collected and sent to the federal police station in Santos, where the case must be registered and investigated.

According to the federal revenue service, a total of 13.6 tons of cocaine was seized so far in cargo at the Port of Santos this year.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, access the link: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2021/11/25/receita-federal-localiza-98-kg-de- cocaine-in-containers-in-porto-de-santos-sp.ghtml

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