A consortium led by a Pernambuco company is awarded the contract for Solid Bulk Terminal at Suape
Mar, 31, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202213
On the afternoon of March 30th, the SUA Granéis consortium, formed by the companies Agemar, Loxus, and Marlog, became the new tenant of the Solid Bulk Terminal (TGSS) at Suape and will control the asset for the next 25 years.
The TGSS occupies a 72 thousand m² space on Pier 5’s retro-area. The initiative will provide R$ 59.8 million in investments to Pernambuco’s docks in the following months. The National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) issued the bidding notice in early March.
The area was designed for the transportation and storage of vegetable and mineral bulk, as well as general cargo. The contract is expected to be signed this year, with operations beginning in 2024. The area lies on the opposite side of the Atlântico Sul Shipyard (EAS) in the Suape internal port.
The future lessee of the Solid Bulk Terminal at Suape will guarantee a minimum total static capacity of 12 thousand tonnes. It will also acquire road reception and belt conveyor systems, in addition to new equipment to increase the productivity of 549 t/h (tonnes per hour) and 128 t/h, for handling petroleum coke and bagged sugar, respectively.
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