Ports and Terminals

A gang that falsified container seals to transport drugs has been busted

Apr, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202217

The Federal Police dismantled part of a criminal organization responsible for cloning container seals. These seals were used in the international cocaine trade. One of the biggest clients of this crime office was Sergio Roberto de Carvalho, also known as Major Carvalho, one of the most prominent international drug traffickers wanted by Interpol.

Inside an improvised room, the criminals conducted the cloning operations rusticly. They replicated the seal codes to breach containers and place drugs inside them without raising suspicion.

The international drug trafficking scheme was discovered in the Federal Police’s Operation Kamino, an arm of an extensive Federal Police investigation that began in 2020. The officers cross-referenced the information and arrived at the place where the fake seals were manufactured. The police discovered that the criminals were driving trucks loaded with drugs into the Port of Paranaguá, in Paraná.

Matheus Riekes de Rezende, the delegate responsible for the operation, explained that criminal organizations knew the exact location of each container in the port yard.

“The drug entered the port terminal inside the truck cabins of members of the criminal organization with permission from corrupted port employees,” said him. “These trucks deviated from their programmed route and approached a container. That allowed the criminals to brake the original seal with the original numbering. ”

After closing the container with the fake seal, which kept the original number, the criminals would send the container to various parts of the world, mainly Europe, without arousing suspicion. By doing so, the police believe that these criminals were able to send more than four tons of drugs out of Brazil.

“When the container enters the port channel, it goes through a high-tech scanner, monitored by employees and the Federal Revenue Service,” said Rezende.

“When no one can spot any suspicious cargo inside the container, it is considered cleared for inspection. The gangs waited for the containers to go through the scanner to put the drug inside them by violating the original sea and replacing it with a fake, yet identical one.”

Seals from containers and counterfeiting equipment such as sandpaper, acids, and screen printing panels were seized during the searches. Criminals also tampered with vehicle chassis and license plates. An individual was arrested on the spot.

Source: R7

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