ABPA: New export quota could generate up to US$ 200 million for pig farming
Nov, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202145
ABPA (the Brazilian animal protein association) celebrated the announcement made by Rosselkhoznadzor (Russia health agency) authorizing nine pork units to export to Russia, increasing the number of authorized plants from four to thirteen.
The announcement comes just days after Brazil’s Minister of Agriculture Tereza Cristina returned from her mission to Moscow and after the statement made by the Russian government on the establishment of a temporary quota of 100,000 tons of pork.
According to ABPA estimates, considering the current average price of imports to the Russian market, the quota made available has the potential to generate exports of over US$ 200 million – considering, however, that the quota can be accessed by all nations authorized to supply the Russian market.
“Russia has been increasing its pork imports from Brazil this year. While in 2020 exports were just 100 tons in the first 10 months, in 2021 shipments so far reached 3,800 tonnes, generating revenue of US$ 10.3 million. With the expansion of the number of plants and the quota offered by the Russian government, we expect an even more expressive growth in the coming years. This is yet another expansion of the market that resulted directly from the work led by Minister Tereza Cristina and her team”, he says.
Source: Canal Rural
To read the complete original article, access the link: https://www.canalrural.com.br/noticias/nova-cota-de-exportacao-pode-gerar-ate-us-200-milhoes-para-suinocultura-diz- abpa/
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