Ports and Terminals

Access to port terminals in Guarujá under renovation

Jul, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202228

On Monday, July 18, the marginal road that connects the highway Cônego Doménico Rangoni to the city’s retro port terminals will begin to be renovated to increase truck driver safety and expedite freight flow arriving at the Port of Santos through Guarujá. The State Government will be in charge of the project, investing R$ 9.5 million.

Such work is an old demand of truck drivers, who constantly use the side road to transport cargo. According to the City Hall, an average of 500 heavy-duty vehicles pass through the site daily. The president of the Association Porto-Guarujá, Everton Pereira da Silva, says that truck drivers fear accidents and crimes. “With the lack of proper lighting and potholes, many trucks break down, and their drivers end up robbed when they slow down.”

According to the president of the Association of Autonomous Container Carriers (Atac in Portuguese), Vinilson Panta dos Santos, some drivers have already been short at the scene. “The road renovation work will improve working conditions for all truck drivers, especially those working off the book, whom I represent. Seeing those roads renovated is an old struggle of ours, which now will come to fruition.”

In addition to enhanced security, the secretary of Economic Port Development of Guarujá, Adalberto Ferreira da Silva, highlights the economic gains that will rise from the work. “The cost of truck maintenance will drop, and companies will be more productive. We foresee a qualitative improvement in the entire 3.4 km stretch with horizontal and vertical signaling, which will ensure better working conditions.”

Earthworks, paving, surface drainage (gutter), and horizontal signaling services are planned. The works should be delivered in eight months, and after the revitalization, the City Hall will assume their maintenance.

A special scheme to avoid traffic will be employed during the works. According to the Municipal Administration, the works will be carried out in half a lane at a time during the time and days with less movement, which shall still be assessed. “The objective is to have as little damage as possible during the process,” emphasizes Adalberto.

The secretary also pointed out that providing support to cargo is on the agenda since the region sees a high flow of trucks. “Drainage is also being carefully studied, as it affects both the marginal lane an the highway properly speaking.”


The project was developed by the Department of Highways, whose representatives were at the Guarujá City Hall to announce the work to Mayor Válter Suman and representatives of the retro port terminals, associations, and unions connected to cargo carriers. In a statement, the Department informed that the services are part of the seventh phase of the program called “Novas Estradas Vicinais” (New Neighboring Road, in a direct translation).

Source: A Tribuna

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/acesso-a-terminais-portuarios-em-guaruja-passara-por-reforma-a-partir-de-segunda

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