Oil and Gas

Açu Petróleo hits record in handling in 2019

Oct, 31, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201945

Açu Petróleo, a partnership between the Prumo Group and the German Oiltanking, hit a record in handling this year at its terminal at Açu Port, in São João da Barra (RJ). Since the beginning of the year, more than 53m barrels have been handled, surpassing the total registered in 2018, which was 40m barrels.

“We have an efficient and modern terminal that enables safe, fast, and cost-effective operation for our customers. And, increasingly, we realize that these differentials are essential in the decision making of oil companies,” said Victor Snabaitis Bomfim, CEO of Açu Petróleo.

The company, which plans to close 2019 with about 65m barrels of oil handled, already has contracts with all oil companies that perform export operations in Brazil. The last to operate at the terminal was Repsol, which handled about 1m barrels produced in the Campos de Sapinhoá (Santos Basin).

With a modern infrastructure and strategic location, close to Campos and Santos basins, Açu Petróleo Terminal conducts transshipment operations in an area sheltered by breakwaters, with ships surrounded by containment barriers and next to an emergency response base, enabling reliable and safe operation with less risk of impact on the environment.

With a depth of 25 meters and licensed capacity to move up to 1.2m barrels of oil/day, Açu Petróleo Terminal is the only private terminal in the country with the capacity to receive Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) class ships, considered the largest in the world. Since it began operating in 2016, Açu Petróleo has already carried out 114 transhipment operations, 24 with VLCC vessels.

With the forecast of the increase of oil production and export expected for the next years, Açu Petróleo is developing a project to expand the services provided by the company. “Brazil has a big challenge for the next 10 years, which is to invest in infrastructure to support the growth in oil exports, which can reach almost 3m barrels per day. In this context, Açu Petróleo is developing a project that includes a tanking park and pipelines that will connect Açu to the Campos Basin producing fields and also to the refineries installed in the Southeast of the country,” said Bomfim.

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