Ports and Terminals

Açu Port to offer discount to environmentally friendly vessels

Mar, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202111

This month, Açu Port formalized its adhesion to the Environmental Ship Index (ESI), an environmental index that classifies vessels that exceed the emission standards established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). With this, ships that have environmental performance that are above the standards, including the levels of greenhouse gas emissions, now have access to different port tariffs, with discounts of up to 10%.

With the initiative,  Açu Port joins a list of 62 global ports that have adopted the environmental incentive mechanism. ESI is a project led by the World Ports Sustainability Program (WPSP), linked to the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH).

“Açu’s adoption of ESI-approved standards reinforces our commitment to participate in the global effort to reduce emissions through an incentive for a key player in the maritime chain – that is, the shipowners –  in joining efforts to use more and more clean technologies”, says Tessa Major, Director of International Business at Açu Port and Vice President of IAPH in South and Central America.

Açu Port has been accessed more than 13,000 times since 2014. In the last year, 3,245 vessels were received, with emphasis on B-Port (Edison Chouest), which operates the largest and most modern offshore support base in the world.  The first vessel to receive the incentive when accessing the base was SEA Brasil, operating for Equinor.  Today, there are already more than 8,000 vessels registered with the program.

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