(Cepea) Exportações do agronegócio - Agriculture exports agribusiness balance Balança comercial do agronegócio

After boosting Brazilian GDP in 2023, agriculture should weigh down this year

Mar, 06, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202410

After a significant 15% surge in 2023, which drove up the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), agriculture has less favorable prospects for 2024.

The most recent harvest forecast studies point to a 6% reduction in output. In addition to lower volumes available, the sharp drop in the prices of the country’s main agricultural commodities is cause for concern among producers, who must hit the brakes on investments, slowing down the sector’s economic activity.

Source: Globo Rural

Click here to read the original news report: https://globorural.globo.com/podcasts/cbn-agro/noticia/2024/03/apos-puxar-o-pib-brasileiro-em-2023-agro-deve-pesar-para-baixo-neste-ano.ghtml

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