Other Logistics

Agreement between Paraná government and Rumo Logística allows Ferroeste railway capacity to double

Feb, 02, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202006

A commercial agreement between the Government of Paraná and Rumo Logística will allow Ferroeste (Estrada de Ferro Paraná Oeste S.A.) to expand capacity to transport grains, benefiting the State’s productive sector. The announcement was made on Thursday (01/30) by Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior, during a meeting at the Iguaçu Palace with the mayor of Cascavel, Leonaldo Paranhos, and business leaders from the West Region.

According to the Secretary of State for Infrastructure and Logistics, Sandro Alex, it is expected that the volume of products transported via the rail link between Cascavel and Guarapuava will almost double to 2 million per year .

The new operating document, which is expected to be signed in the next few days to ensure legal certainty for the parties, will allow the two companies to share cargo that leaves the Western Region towards Paranaguá. The negotiation allows Rumo to use the Ferroeste section.

Currently, the multinational is responsible for the operation between Guarapuava and the Port of Paranaguá. Ferroeste manages the railway section between Cascavel and Guarapuava. “This commercial agreement will allow a considerable expansion in the flow of the harvest, starting in March. It guarantees logistical capacity and a reduction in costs for producers ”, explained Sandro Alex.

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