(Cepea) Exportações do agronegócio - Agriculture exports agribusiness balance Balança comercial do agronegócio

Agribusiness exports have set records in December and in 2021 alike

Jan, 14, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

Agribusiness exports hit record levels in December and in the entire 2021 alike. The December figure was US$ 9.88 billion, 36.5% higher than the US$ 7.24 billion recorded in 2020.

According to data disclosed on the 13th by the Secretariat of Commerce and International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA), overall agricultural exports in 2021 totaled US$ 120.59 billion, rising 19.7% from the previous year.

Shipments in December 2021

The month of December 2021 showed a favorable performance due to the strong increase in the prices of exported products (22.5%) and to the expanded volume of these exports (11.4%).

In addition to rising prices, Brazil’s agriculture export volume reached new highs (15.62 million tons). According to MAPA analysts, the top products exported were soybeans (2.71 million tons; +889.5%); soybean meal (1.72 million tons; +82%); cellulose (1.64 million tons; +28.8%); and beef (667 thousand tons; +3.3%).

With this scenario of high prices and increased export volume, agriculture participation in Brazilian exports increased once more. Agro exports accounted for 39.2% of the total amount shipped outside the country in December 2020, and 40.6% in December 2021.

Total exports in 2021

In 2021, Brazilian agriculture exports hit a new high of US$ 120.59 billion (+19.7%).

Only the months of January and February of this year did not break new records, due to a sudden drop in soybean exports in these months due to low transit stocks in 2020 and delays in planting the 2020-2021 crops because of either droughts or severe rains in harvest areas.

Soybeans began being exported as of March, which had an impact on the overall results. According to a letter published by the secretariat, the increase in Brazilian agribusiness exports was attributed to an increase in the price index of products (+21.2%), while the volume shipped decreased (-1.2%).

Despite the record in exports, foreign sales of agribusiness products accounted for 43% of Brazilian exports in 2021, a share 5.1% lower than in 2020.

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