Trade Regulations

Agribusiness exports to Canada up 25% in 2020

Feb, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202108

According to the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (CCBC), revenue from Brazilian exports to the Canadian market grew by 25% in 2020 compared to the previous year, despite the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to data from SECEX (the Foreign Trade Secretariat), shipments reached a total of US$ 4.2 billion in revenue.

Despite the growth in several categories, the agribusiness category showed the largest growth. Of agribusiness products, CCBC highlighted the 2174% increase in exports of peanuts (shelled, even crushed), to US$ 7.3 million, and the 84% increase in sales of other cane sugars, to US$ 264 million.

In the “cocoa and its preparations” category, exports rose from a very low level in 2009 to US$ 8.2 million in 2020, while in the group formed by “butter, fat, and cocoa oil” the advance reached 403%, to US$ 7.4 million.

Source: Valor Econômico

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