Ports and Terminals

Alcântara might receive Brazil’s largest multimodal port

Aug, 15, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201934

The Thematic Chamber of Infrastructure and Logistics (CTLog), of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply presented a project to build a multimodal port terminal, with the possibility of a port back-up area exceeding 300m square meters, minimum natural draft of 25 meters, and with easy access by rail and waterway.

The Alcântara Port Terminal is expected to receive investments of around R$10bn by 2024.

The new port in Maranhão will be able to move, initially, 140m tons/year in four berths. For comparison, the Ponta da Madeira (MA) terminal, Brazil’s largest terminal, handled 198m tons in 2018.

The first stage would be occupied by loads of ore and grain, which would benefit from the 25-meter natural draft discovered in the region. This channel in St. Mark’s Bay gives direct access to the ocean for 400,000 gross tonnage vessels, the largest to dock in Maranhão.

According to the project, the multimodal solution includes a deepwater port, the Alcântara Terminal (TPA), and a railroad, the Maranhão Railway.

Check the Alcântara Port Terminal here.

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