soybean imports

Anec issues another downward soybean export projection for May

May, 25, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202221

The National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec) adjusted its soybean export projection in the month of May. The projection is now for shipments of 10.200 million to 11.278 million tonnes.

Until last week, the entity expected 11.483 million tonnes in shipments. “The soybean lineup indicates 11,278,295 tonnes in May. However, it is important to note that Anec is finding smaller loads, owning to the figure between 10,200,000 and 11,278,295 tonnes,” the association said in a bulletin.

See below the track record of Brazilian soybean exports from January 2020 to March 2022. The data are from the DataLiner service from Datamar.

Soybean Exports (HS 1201) from Brazil | Jan 2020 – Mar 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

As for soybean bran, the projection was updated to 1.903 million tonnes vis-a-vis 2.009 million tonnes in the previous forecast.

Regarding corn, Anec expects exports of 1.243 million tons for May compared to 1.264 million tonnes earlier.

As for wheat, the export figure was revised to 109,100 tonnes compared to 104,720 tonnes a week ago.

Source: Money Times

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