ANEC raises Brazil’s soybean export forecast in September and reduces that of corn
Sep, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202137
Soybean exports from Brazil should reach 5.04 million tons in September, compared to 4.8 million tons in the previous week’s forecast, according to data released on Wednesday by ANEC (the national association of cereal exporters). The volume represents an increase of just over 1 million tons compared to September 2020 shipments.
If confirmed, the total shipped from January to September would reach 79.3 million tons, a volume close to reaching the 82.3 million tons exported during the full year of 2020.
Exports of corn from the country were estimated at around 2.8 million tons in September, against 2.92 million estimated in the previous week’s forecast.
Amid lower production in Brazil this year, shipments in the month would fall by nearly 3 million tons year-on-year, leaving January-September exports at 12.9 million tons, down from the 33 million tons shipped in 2020.
The export of soy meal, in turn, was projected at 1.71 million tons in September, an increase of 400,000 tons in the annual comparison. In the accumulated result for the year, shipments would already total 13 million tons, versus 16.8 million in the entire year of 2020.
Source: Money Times
To read the full original article, visit the link: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/anec-eleva-previsao-de-exportacao-de-soja-do-brasil-em-setembro-e-reduz-a-de-milho/
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