soja brasileira

Anec says that soybean exports were 5.2% higher in 2021

Jan, 05, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202201

According to the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec), Brazil exported 86.628 million tons of soybeans in 2021, a 5.2 percent increase over the previous year’s 82.298 million tons.

In December, the volume exported reached 2.524 million tonnes, compared to just 161,000 tonnes in the last month of 2020.

In terms of soy bran, Brazilian exports totaled 16.817 million tons in the year, 0.37% above the previous year, when shipments abroad equaled 16.817 million tons, according to Anec.

Corn exports, on the other hand, were lower both in the year and in December. In the 12 months of 2021, they add up to 20.547 million tons, 38.5% below the 33.396 million tons exported in 2020.

In December, 3.320 million tons of maize were shipped abroad, 13% less than the 3.823 million tons computed in December 2020.

Source: Money Times

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