Brazilian automotive industry / ANFAVEA

ANFAVEA: Semiconductor supply crisis affects vehicle production and export

Oct, 06, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202138

The semiconductor supply crisis affecting automakers in Brazil is one of the main reasons for the drop in production and exports by the national automobile industry. In 2021, exports totaled 277,000 units, an increase of 33.8% compared to the 20,000 units exported last year. However, in the monthly analysis, there was a 19.7% drop in foreign sales, with 23,600 units in September, compared to 29,400 units shipped in the same month of 2020.

The data are contained in year-end closing forecasts released on October 6th by ANFAVEA (the national association of automotive vehicle manufacturers) for vehicle licensing, production, and export.

According to ANFAVEA, the current semiconductor supply crisis has impacted vehicle manufacturing worldwide. It is estimated that the global automotive industry will lose from 7 to 9 million vehicles produced in 2021, returning to 2020 levels. The lack of inputs, together with the increase in costs and logistical difficulties, has also directly affected the sector’s production in Brazil.

This scenario meant that the Association needed to revise its projections for the year. The difficulty is great, given the uncertainties generated by the semiconductor crisis. With this, the entity works with a range of possibilities for the year, depending on the supply for the production of its factories.

Sales of new vehicles this year can range from 2.038 million to 2.118 million, that is, with scenarios of a 1% drop to 3% growth compared to 2020.

Production is expected to range between 2.129 million and 2.219 million, which will represent an increase of 6% to 10% when compared to the previous year. Exports, according to ANFAVEA’s estimates, will range from 357,000 to 377,000 units, an increase of 10% to 16%.

Source: Comex do Brasil

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