Exportações brasileiras de carne suína / pork industry in 2022

Animal products exported to 24 new international markets in 2020

Dec, 17, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202052

Data released on December 15 in the 9th activity report of the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) show that in 2020, 24 new markets were opened for the export of animal products for human consumption and products for animal feed. In addition, the United States market for Brazilian beef reopened.

“This demonstrates that even during the pandemic, the work carried out by the productive sector and MAPA (the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supplies) remained strong. Exporting to more than 180 countries demonstrates the robustness of the official Brazilian service,” says Ana Lucia Viana, Director of the Animal Products Inspection Department.

For a market to be opened, the health authorities of the importing countries evaluate the Brazilian official service, which often occurs through international missions that audit the inspection service and the producing establishments. In addition, models of international health certificates containing the health requirements required by the countries are negotiated between the Brazilian health authorities and the importing countries.

This year, these negotiations were carried out via videoconference. In the period from July to November, for example, 54 establishments registered with the Animal Products Inspection Department were evaluated to verify compliance with specific requirements for qualification to export their products to the Chinese market.


There are 3,342 animal-product establishments registered with the SIF in the areas of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, honey and bee products, eggs, and fish and their derivatives. This is in addition to 2,999 other establishments for products intended for animal feed.

In November, 48 additional meat processing shifts were carried out, which were requested on an emergency basis by the poultry, cattle, and pork meatpackers registered with the SIF. In the month there was also no stoppage of meat-processing activities under federal inspection due to Covid-19.

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