Ports and Terminals

Another day of strikes at Argentine ports

Dec, 10, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202051

URGARA (the union of grain receptors of the Argentine Republic), and FTCIODyARA (the federation of workers of the industrial complex for oilseed, cotton shredders, and related products of the Argentine Republic) resumed their “strike plan in ports across the country”. The action started around 6 am (local time) on Wednesday, December 9th.

“The adoption of the measure is due to the lack of response to our demands and the absence of a reasonable proposal by CIARA (petroleum industry chamber of the Argentine Republic), CEC (cereal export center), CARBIO (Argentine biofuels chamber), CIAVEC (Córdoba vegetable oils industrial chamber), CPPC (private commercial ports chamber), and the companies they represent ”, said the union in a note.

“In addition to all this, representatives of the entities mentioned above have carried out a disinformation campaign in differentiated media with false data that seeks to delegitimize our claims”, accused the union.

“We reaffirm our willingness to fight and unite in action with our fellow Aceiteros”, stressed the union entity.

Source: Port Portal

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