Ports and Terminals

ANP rejects plans for dedicated MSC Terminal

Apr, 16, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201917

Uruguay’s national ports administration, Administración Nacional de Puertos (ANP) has rejected a proposal to build a second container terminal at the Port of Montevideo by MSC’s subsidiary, TIL (Terminal Investment Limited). ANP deemed the project economically unviable.

TIL first presented the idea to the port authority in December 2017 and in early 2018 a task force of technicians was contracted to determine the project’s viability. The technicians have raised some practical issues concerning the proposal, especially the practicality of vessel maneuvers.

According to the task force, vessels would need to reverse into a berth with the help of three tugs, rendering the process expensive and limiting development in surrounding areas. In addition, the new terminal would restrict movements to and from Quay “C” and the adjacent bulk terminal. ANP therefore concluded, “It is not possible to move forward with the proposal in the terms proposed.”


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