Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ approves analysis of contributions to auction area at the Port of Santos

Aug, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202130

ANTAQ approved the analysis of contributions to Public Hearing No. 10/2020 regarding the bidding process of the port terminal being leased in the Organized Port of Santos (SP) – called the STS11 area -for the handling and storage of solid bulk vegetables,

The records will now be forwarded to the Ministry of Infrastructure to carry out the necessary adjustments in the studies and drafts of the Notice and Lease Agreement, based on the results obtained from analyzing the contributions received. It will then be submitted to the Federal Audit Court (TCU).

The records will also be forwarded to ANTAQ’s Permanent Bidding Committee for Port Leases (CPLA) so the relevant documents can be consolidated and subsequent measures can be adopted.

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