Ports and Terminals

Antaq approves contributions to tender for Port of Pelotas terminal

Sep, 25, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202039

The Collegiate Board of Directors of the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ), approved the analysis of the contributions of Public Hearing No. 12 / 2020- ANTAQ, related to the bidding for the lease of a port terminal for the handling and storage of general cargo, especially wooden logs, called PEL01, located in the Port of Pelotas / RS. Resolution 8,034 was published in Section 1 of the Federal Register this Friday, September 25.

The analysis will now be forwarded to the Ministry of Infrastructure (MINFRA), which will make the adjustments to the studies and other documents of the process, filling out the minutes of the public notice and the lease with the results obtained from the economic-financial equation, and from there, it heads to the Federal Audit Court (TCU) for validation.

See images of the Port of Pelotas here:

Video credit: Pedro Hecktheuer


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