Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ auctions five port areas for R$ 216.3 million

Apr, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202114

At the B3 stock exchange in São Paulo on April 9th, ANTAQ auctioned five port areas for R$ 216.3 million: four areas in Porto do Itaqui (MA) to handle fuel, and one area in Porto de Pelotas (RS) for general cargo, especially wood. Investments are expected reach approximately R$ 610 million.

Three of the four areas bid on at the port in Maranhão had more than one bidder.

IQI03 went to Santos Brasil Participações that outbid Empresa Brasileira de Terminais e Armazéns Gerais LTDA (EBT) with a bid of  R$ 61.3 million and a premium of 44%.

IQI11 had only one bid. Santos Brasil Participações won this area for R$ 56 million and a premium of 15%.

IQI 12 also went to Santos Brasil for R$ 40 million, outbidding the company Terminal Químico de Aratu (Tequimar).

IQI13 Tequimar outbid Santos Brasil with a bid of R $ 59 million.

PEL01, in the Port of Pelotas, received only one bid. CMPC Celulose Riograndense LTDA. bought the area for R$ 10 thousand.


The director-general of ANTAQ, Eduardo Nery, congratulated the winners. “We thank you for believing in the country. The auctions will mean a more efficient and more productive port sector, generating economic development, income, and jobs for the country, even more so in a pandemic scenario”, he said.

More information about the areas can be found below:


Port of Itaqui


Auction 06/2020 – IQI03

Bidding Terminal Area: 25,416m²

Contract Term: 20 years

Global Gross Revenue: R $ 629.8 million

Total Investment: R $ 106.5 million

Total Handling (t): 7.5 million

Winner: Santos Brasil


Auction 07/2020 – IQI11

Bidding Terminal Area: 33,217m²


Contract Term: 20 years

Global Gross Revenue: R $ 880.8 million

Total Investment: R $ 133.3 million

Total Handling (t): 10.6 million

Winner: Santos Brasil


Auction 08/2020 – IQI12

Bidding Terminal Area: 38,683m²

Contract Term: 20 years

Global Gross Revenue: R $ 1.001 billion

Total Investment: R $ 177.2 million

Total Handling (t): 12,054 million

Winner: Santos Brasil


Auction 09/2020 – IQI13

Bidding Terminal Area: 36,578m²

Contract Term: 20 years

Global Gross Revenue: R $ 1.001 billion

Total Investment: R $ 178.5 million

Total Handling (t): 12 million

Winner: Tequimar


Port of Pelotas


Auction 10/2020 – PEL01

Bidding Terminal Area: 23,510m²

Contract Term: 10 years

Global Gross Revenue: R $ 100.3 million

Total Investment: R $ 16 million

Total Handling (t): 6 million

Winner: CMPC Celulose Riograndense LTDA

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