Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ authorizes ABI to operate TUP in Itaituba (PA)

Mar, 02, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202010

ANTAQ authorized ABI Administradora de Bens e Infraestrutura Ltda. to operate the Private Use Terminal (TUP) in the district of Miritituba in Itaituba (PA), to carry out liquid bulk handling activities in accordance with the rules and regulations of the agency.   The terminal covers an area of 37,440.86m², with floating mooring berths, eight tanks (500,000 liters each) for fuel storage, a gas station and an administrative area.

The TUP receives fuel barges from the large centers in the North Region. The vessels transport the liquid bulk which is stored in the tanks. From there, pipelines carry the fuel to the tank trucks that then distribute it to markets in the region. The TUP is expected to handle 144,000 m³ of fuel in its first year of operation.

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