Ports and Terminals

 ANTAQ clarifies that all transport infrastructure will remain open

Mar, 22, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202013

On Friday March 20, ANTAQ (National Association of Waterway Transport) released a note in which it clarified that public and  private ports as well as other port facilities would remain in operation, as would waterway, interstate and international transportation. Also according to the note, companies must comply with measures to contain the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), according to guidelines from health authorities and the federal government.  Moreover, the note stated that only the federal government had the power to determine whether port facilities, interstate and international transport would close or not.

According to Antaq, at the moment, the unrestricted suspension of passenger transport is not a measure indicated by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) since the complete suspension of this service could harm access to medical care, the displacement of health professionals. the supply of vaccines, supplies and medicines to Brazilian states. Guidelines and measures to prevent contagion can be obtained through the link:

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