Ports and Terminals

Antaq gathers 38 suggestions to change port concession guidelines

Jun, 24, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

Thirty-eight opinions were submitted to the National Waterborne Transport Agency (Antaq) during a public consultation aimed at evaluating changes to two key rules governing concession contracts in public ports. The consultation period concluded last Wednesday, and a public hearing on the subject was held on the 10th, receiving an additional seven suggestions.

Next Steps

In a statement, Antaq announced that “the contributions will begin to be analyzed in the coming weeks. There is no legal or regulatory deadline for completing these analyses; therefore, the analysis time depends on the quantity and complexity of the contributions.”

The regulatory agency also noted that “once the technical team completes the analysis, the draft resolutions will be sent to the Collegiate Board for final approval. If any suggestions from the public hearing period are accepted, the documents will be revised accordingly before being submitted to the board for deliberation.”

Proposed Changes

The first amendment, related to Resolution 85, introduces several key updates. These include the inclusion of concession contracts and granting Antaq the authority to assess and deliberate on the rebalancing of these contracts. It also outlines the objectives of the review (distinct from a tariff review) and recognizes the validation of ordinances and rules applied by the granting authority, particularly regarding contract merit and rebalancing. Antaq may also provide suggestions and enforce the agency’s solution criteria and manuals.

Changes to Resolution 61 focus on the definition and review of concession parameters. The agency has clarified these parameters to enhance flexibility and specified Antaq’s authority over criteria, alongside the Port Authority’s procedures, consultation with users, deadlines, and workflows.

Resolutions Overview

Antaq Resolution 85-2022 establishes procedures for preparing and analyzing technical, economic, and environmental feasibility studies, and for restoring the economic-financial balance of lease contracts for areas and port facilities in organized ports. Meanwhile, Antaq Resolution 61-2021 sets forth the standardized tariff structure for port administrations and outlines the procedures for adjusting and reviewing tariffs.

Source: A Tribuna

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