Ports and Terminals

Antaq issued six irregularity notices in the inspection of the Port of São Sebestião

May, 23, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202221

Antaq issued six irregularity notices during Operation Porto Limpo, carried out between the 16th and 19th of May in the Port of São Sebastião (SP). Focusing on bulk-handling facilities, the Agency inspected both the public port and a private use terminal in the area. The port authority and port operators were also examined, in addition to the hygiene and cleanliness of the trucks that circulate on the roads nearby.

Daniel Santos, Antaq’s inspector who participated in the operation, explained that thirteen infractions were found, although six notices were issued. “Some notices corresponded for more than one infraction,” he said.

Infractions include failing to meet minimal standards of hygiene and sanitation in areas and facilities, as well as failing to keep the port service up to date. According to ANTAQ regulations, the organization that receives such notifications must comply with the inspectors’ recommendations regarding hygiene and cleanliness within a specified time frame.

Operation Porto Limpo aimed to assess port operations’ hygiene and cleanliness conditions and verify compliance with best practices in controlling the proliferation of synanthropic fauna (animal species that interact negatively with the human population). The São Sebastião Docks Company (CDSS), the São Sebastião City Hall, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), and the Brazilian Navy, among other bodies, participated in the action.

ANTAQ inspection agents also heard reports and experiences from community representatives who live in Araçá Bay, an area directly impacted by the operations of the public port.


Operation Porto Limpo also took place in the Port of Santos (SP). Between April 25th and 29th, the Agency inspected 14 solid bulk terminals, in addition to operators, private use terminals (TUPs), the port authority, and trucks that circulated on public roads of the port complex. As a result, the Agency issued 28 notifications and nine notices based on the National Traffic Code by the Port Guard.

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