Ports and Terminals

Antaq publishes auction results at the Ports of Santos and Paranaguá

Sep, 11, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201938

Antaq published in the Official Gazette, on Tuesday (09/10), the result of the auctions of areas STS20 and PAR01. STS20, in the Port of Santos, is for the movement of solid mineral bulk, more specifically fertilizers and salt, and PAR01, at Paranaguá Port, is for general cargo handling and storage, especially paper and pulp.

The STS20 area was acquired by the consortium Hidrovias do Brasil Holding Norte S/A for R$112.5m. Terminal PAR01 was acquired by Klabin S/A, with the grant amount of R$1m.

The auction took place on August 13 at B3 in São Paulo.

Public consultation on bidding at the Port of Santos

Still on the Port of Santos, ANTAQ will hold a public consultation and hearing, from September 18 to November 1, 2019, aiming to obtain contributions, subsidies, and suggestions for the improvement of the legal and technical drafts (bidding notice, contract of technical documents, and their respective annexes) necessary for the bidding of:

I – Port terminal for the handling and storage of pulp, located in the organized port of Santos, called STS14;

II – Port terminal for the handling and storage of pulp, located in the organized port of Santos, called STS14A.

The legal drafts and technical documents related to this notice are available on Antaq’s website. http://web.antaq.gov.br/Sistemas/LeilaoInternetV2/PaginaPrincipal.aspx

An in-person public hearing will also be held at a time and place to be defined and disclosed by Antaq.

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