Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ receives more than 500 contributions for the bid notice of two areas in the Port of Santos

Nov, 08, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201946

ANTAQ received 546 contributions for the improvement of the legal and technical drafts (bid notice, lease agreement, technical documents, and their respective attachments), necessary for the holding of the bidding process related to the following leases:

I – Port terminal for the handling and storage of pulp, located in the organized port of Santos, called STS14;

II – Port terminal for the handling and storage of pulp, located in the organized port of Santos, called STS14A.

There were 341 contributions related to the draft and contract drafts and 205 suggestions regarding the studies and the justifying act. The ANTAQ Standing Committee for Port Leases (CPLA) considered the number of contributions significant. “What possibly explains the increase in the number of contributions is the proportional increase of stakeholders in the areas. These are two areas located in the largest port in Latin America and with cargo that has very large logistical appeal, which is pulp,” said Bruno Pinheiro, CPLA president. By way of comparison, at the public hearing of the IQI18 area in Port of Itaqui (MA), which also dealt with pulp, ANTAQ received 68 contributions.

The deadline for submitting contributions to areas STS14 and STS14A was November 1. Now the suggestions will be reviewed. This should take thirty days. The analysis team has five CPLA servers, as well as a representative from the Ministry of Infrastructure and one from the Planning and Logistics Company (EPL). “After ANTAQ analyzes the contributions, the documentation will be sent to the granting authority (Ministry of Infrastructure) for later submission to TCU, which will make its assessment,” Pinheiro said. Law offices, terminals, and associations were some of the entities that sent suggestions.

The idea is to publish the announcement in the first quarter of 2020. Pinheiro is optimistic about the auction. “Brazil is the largest exporter of pulp and the second largest producer, behind only the USA. There is interest from pulp producers as well as logistics operators that aim to provide service to pulp producers,” he said.

STS14 and STS14A

The areas are located in the Ponta da Praia region. Lot STS14 has 31,018 m² and STS14A 34,975 m². Both will be served by three adjoining berths, have road connections, and are located next to the port railways. “It is a clean cargo that will add value to the port. They will be two modern terminals,” said the CEO, Mario Povia, during a face-to-face hearing held in Santos on October 25.

Each area will have a contractual term of 25 years. The planned investments for STS14 and STS14A are around R$280m. Both areas are expected to handle 93m tons of pulp by the end of the contract period.

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