Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ to hold public consultation on Maceió liquid bulk terminal

Dec, 31, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202001

Brazil’s water authority ANTAQ, will hold a public consultation to receive suggestions regarding the tender of a terminal in the Port of Maceió named MAC10 between January 10 and February 23, 2020. The terminal’s vocation is for handling, storing and distributing liquid bulk cargoes, especially sulfuric acid.

The legal drafts and technical documents will be available at the following website: portal.antaq.gov.br/index.php/acesso-a-informacao/audiencia-publica-2/.

Contributions may be sent to ANTAQ until 11:59 pm on 02/23/2020, exclusively by electronic means.

The material received by ANTAQ will be made available to interested parties at portal.antaq.gov.br.

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