ANTAQ will hold public consultation on OGMO regulation
Jun, 21, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202126
Between June 28 and August 11, ANTAQ will hold a public consultation and hearing to receive contributions towards the improvement of Theme 3.3 of the Regulatory Agenda 2020/2021 Biennium – Regulation of Labor-Management Bodies for Occasional Port Jobs.
The legal drafts and technical documents will be available at the following electronic address:
Contributions may be addressed to ANTAQ until 23:59 on August 11, exclusively through, and in the form of, the electronic form available at
Contributors may attach digital images, such as maps, plans, and photos exclusively through the email “[email protected]” upon identification of the taxpayer ID and within the stipulated period, and the written contributions must be completed in the appropriate fields of the electronic form.
If the interested party does not have the necessary resources to send the contribution through the electronic form, he can do so using the computer of the General Secretariat (SGE), of the Agency, in the case of Brasília/DF, or in its regional units, the addresses of which are available on the ANTAQ website.
The contributions received will be made available to interested parties at
Public Hearing
In order to encourage discussion and clarify any doubts about the normative act, a public hearing will be held, in person or virtually, depending on the public health conditions in force, at a date, time, and place to be defined and communicated in due course.
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