Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ will hold public hearing on port area bidding in Aratu (BA)

Dec, 02, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201949

ANTAQ will hold a public consultation and hearing between December 9, 2019 and January 22, 2020, in order to receive contributions for the improvement of the technical and legal documents related to the holding of a bid for the lease of a port terminal that handles and stores solid mineral bulk, located in the Port of Aratu/BA, called ATU12.

The legal minutes and technical documents of this public hearing will be available at the following website: portal.antaq.gov.br/index.php/acesso-a-informacao/audiencia-publica-2/.

Content and form of participation

The Agency will only consider contributions, subsidies, and suggestions that have as their object the minutes placed in public consultation and hearing. Contributions may be addressed to ANTAQ until 11:59 pm on 01/22/2020, exclusively through and in the form of the electronic form available on the portal.antaq.gov.br website. Contributions sent by other means are not accepted.

It will be allowed, exclusively through the e-mail: anexo_audiencia162019@antaq.gov.br, upon identification of the taxpayer and within the stipulated deadline, to attach digital images such as maps, plans, photos, etc., and the text contributions must be only in the appropriate fields of the electronic form.
Contributions received by ANTAQ will be made available to interested parties at portal.antaq.gov.br.

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