
Anvisa establishes new rules for seafarers to control Coronavirus

Mar, 25, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202014

Anvisa – National Health Surveillance Agency – has established new rules for the transit of seafarers in Brazil. As a measure to control the spread of the coronavirus in the country, they will now only be able to land 14 days after arriving at a port complex in the country. In addition, foreign crew members can only disembark when it is essential for port operations. According to the rules, “minimal contact by the crew with Brazilian port workers must also be guaranteed during this period, restricted to the port terminal only”, says the technical note.

The note also states that “in the event of a health event on board related to Covid-19, during the journey or during the vessel’s stay in the port, the crew will not be able to disembark for another 14 days since the last case except for serious cases requiring medical assistance, ” determines the note.  The agency also vetoed embarkation of new crew members, since it is not possible to know if they had contact with people infected by the disease before arriving at ports and boats.

Source: A Tribuna

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