Ports and Terminals

APS updates rules for road cargo schedules at the Port of Santos

Apr, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202414

The Port Authority of Santos (APS) has published a new regulation on road-hauled cargo coming to the Port of Santos. The new rule alters the understanding that scheduling must be done at the same time the commercial invoice is issued. The new norms also allow truck drivers, previously required to pass through the regulatory yard, to go directly to the port.
The new regulation allows carriers of vegetable cargo (mostly soybeans, sugar, and corn) to schedule their arrival within six hours of the invoice being issued—or three hours if the cargo originates from within 300 kilometers of the port. The change aims to prevent cargo arrival appointments from being made only when the truck is already close to the yards, causing traffic congestion on access highways.

Conversely, the new regulation allows trucks to go directly to the port, as long as some technological guarantees are observed. In addition to making it easier for exporters to plan ahead, this change may remove vehicles that would otherwise occupy stretches of the highway on their way to the yard just to comply with the regulations.

Port Authority Regulation 16.2024 came into effect on April 2nd. However, through Normative 48.2024, APS grants a two-month tolerance period for adaptation to the scheduling rule within six or three hours of the invoice being issued.

For more information about the new regulation, interested parties can contact the Port Authority of Santos at the following numbers: (13) 3202-6544, (13) 99208-5187, or 3202-6565 extension 4413, or via email at [email protected].

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