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Trade Regulations

Arab league is second-ranked destination for Brazilian food exports

Feb, 28, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202108

According to ABIA (the Brazilian food industry association), shipments from the Brazilian food and beverage industry to Arab countries fell by 8.7% in 2020 compared to 2019. The bloc moved shipments valued at US$ 6.19 billion last year. But despite the drop, Arabs continue to be the second-ranked destination for Brazilian food, after Asia.

Among the nations that buy more from Brazil, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates appear in the ranking in the 6th and 8th positions. “There is an important focus on Asia and the Arab countries. We have partnered with them for decades and they have very profitable and complementary economies; we still see a lot of opportunities there,” said Grazielle Parenti, President of the Abia Board of Directors.

Brazil is the second-largest exporter of processed foods in the world. The highlight for the increase in sales abroad was the sharp devaluation of the Brazilian real. The demand for food imports in Asia, mainly from China, was also a factor. China led purchases of Brazilian food products, at US$ 8.2 billion.  Hong Kong purchased US$ 1.9 billion of food products, and the Netherlands, US$ 1.7 billion.

Source: Brazil-Arab News Agency

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