Ports and Terminals

Area of the Port of Santos in Paquetá goes up for auction in March

Feb, 17, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202207

A new auction notice should be published in the Port of Santos by the end of next month. This time, the STS11, soon to be Santo’s largest solid vegetable bulk terminal, located in Paquetá, will be tendered. The legal draft was already approved by the Federal Audit Court (TCU) last wee, albeit the Federal Government must still conduct a costs review.

The terminal will handle approximately 14.3 million tonnes of grains per year. Private investments will get near R$ 758.15 million over the 25-year contract, generating 10,610 jobs.


STS11 will have a static storage capacity of 516,600 tonnes of grains, primarily for soybeans, soybean meal, corn, and sugar, and will cover an area of 114,700 square meters.

The land slot will be put under the lessee’s possession in a scattered manner. In the first stage, the lessee will be able to operate the berths of warehouses 13 and 14, in addition to warehouse 15. In the second phase, the berth of Warehouse 12A will be made available.

According to the TCU, the technical and financial feasibility of the lease, the adequacy of the legal drafts (bidding notice, contract), and the public hearing procedures were all examined.

However, the court found a few points of contention, such as a discrepancy in the base date of equipment prices, entailing a re-evaluation of the feasibility study’s costs.

Project details

According to the Logistics Planning Company (EPL), 70% of all loads will reach the STS11 via rail. During the public hearing held last year, this was one of the concerns of those interested in participating in the auction.

The market was wary of the price and feasibility risks of investing in rail transportation at the time. On the other hand, the government claims that railway capacity will be increased and that plans have been made to accommodate this, including allocating a rail yard in Valongo capable of holding an entire train with 120 wagons.

Source: The Tribune

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