
Argentina awaits Brazil’s approval to start supplying transgenic wheat

Oct, 08, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202041

According to the newspaper “La Nacion”, the approval of a variety of transgenic wheat in Argentina will depend on getting the green light from Brazil. The information was released citing an Argentine government source. “It is approved [in Argentina], but it depends on negotiations with Brazil,” said the source. “It was conditionally approved,” added the source.

Drought-tolerant wheat called HB4 was developed by the company Bioceres-Indear, which already has drought-resistant soy seed. This last product was approved in 2015 and is awaiting approval for sale in China.

According to the company, drought-tolerant wheat provides an increase in productivity close to 20% under average production conditions and 40% or more in situations such as extreme droughts.

The transgenic wheat variety already has licenses from the Argentine Health and Food-Safety Agency (SENASA) and from the National Agricultural Biotechnology Consultative Commission (CONABIA). But permission from the Ministry of Agriculture’s market area, which came out on the 7th of October, was missing.

Argentina serves between 7% and 8% of the global wheat market and Brazil is the country’s largest buyer, buying up to 70% of the product during some harvests.

Source: Valor Econômico





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