Argentina: Belgrano Cargas Line renovation brings many improvements
Aug, 27, 2019 Posted by Sylvia SchandertWeek 201936
The Belgrano Cargas train, which connects the northwest with central Argentina, unloaded 3,268 grain wagons at Gran Rosario ports in July 2019, which is more than double (136% increase) than in 2015, when 1,386 wagons were unloaded.
The Belgrano Cargas Line is part of the railway recovery process initiated by the state-owned company Trenes Argentinos Cargas of the Ministry of Transport. “The reactivation of the freight railway has reduced logistics costs, generating jobs and growth. Each car that travels every kilometer of renewed rails brings us closer to an even better train to transport Argentine production. Reactivating our trains during abandoned years brings growth to cities and more jobs,” says Guillermo Dietrich, Argentina’s Transport Minister.
Cereals carried by these wagons were unloaded at the ports of San Martín, San Lorenzo, and Unit 6/7 in Rosario, where they were exported to international markets. Each wagon can carry an average of 50 tons of grain.
The renovation of the Belgrano Cargas Line is the largest railway investment made in recent times. More than 700 kilometers out of a total of 1,700 kilometers projected are already completed – a US$3bn investment that also includes the renewal of the line’s undercarriage, which features 40 locomotives and 1,000 new wagons.
The plan also includes improvements in access to the ports of Rosario, whose first project on the new access to the ports of Timbú began in February. The 1,180-kilometer stretch of Joaquim V. González, in Salta, and Timbúes, in the Gran Rosario, is now covered in seven days. In 2015, the same route took 15 days. In addition, thanks to successful tests conducted in September, trains will start operating with 100 loaded wagons.
Source: Portal Portuário
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