
Argentina discusses resuming beef exports

Jun, 16, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202125

The Argentine government and the industry are close to an agreement to resume the country’s beef exports, as reported on June 15 by Reuters and La Nacion newspaper, who quoted sources familiar with the matter. Argentina interrupted its sales abroad on May 20, in a measure adopted to contain the rise in food prices, according to the government

Among the alternatives under discussion is the creation of a limit for shipments, but, in the sector, it is considered controversial. The government’s idea would be to establish a ceiling for shipments corresponding to 50% of exports in 2020, which totaled 900,000 tons. Another proposal under discussion would be to increase taxes on sales of beef abroad.

Below is a history of Argentine beef exports since January 2019, according to DataLiner:

Argentine Beef Exports (HS 0202) | Jan 2019 to Apr 2021 | TEU

Graph source: DataLiner  (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

On Monday, the Argentine minister of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, said that the government of Alberto Fernández should announce a plan for the sector later this week. “We are in the final stretch of a set of measures that includes an agreement with the meat sector, in which the objective is to guarantee the supply for Argentine tables and the continuity of the export business”, stated Kulfas to the C5N channel.

Source: Valor Econômico

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