
Argentina has smallest share of Brazilian exports since 1997

Dec, 04, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202345

Amid a severe currency crisis, Argentina had the smallest share of Brazilian exports for November, marking the lowest point since 1997. Regarding Brazilian shipments for the month, Argentina also dropped to the fourth position in the ranking, one step below the third position kept since 2011. However, the country maintained its traditional position from January to November as the third-largest external destination for Brazilian products.

In November, Argentina took in only 3.5% of Brazilian exports, the lowest level for the month since the Portuguese-speaking country began taking records. Argentina was outdone in November by the Netherlands, which held a share of 5.19%.

In November, the second-lowest level of Argentine purchases of Brazilian products occurred in 2019, when the country held a share of 3.96%. In November of the previous year, it was 4.31%.

According to Secex data, Argentina ranked among the top ten countries with the largest drop as destinations for Brazilian exports last month. Shipments to Argentina fell by 18.3% compared to November of the previous year.

See below the evolution of Brazilian containerized exports to Argentina up to September this year. The data used in the development of the chart below was gathered through DataLiner, the market intelligence service by Datamar.

Container Exports from Brazil to Argentina | Jan 2019 – Sep 2023 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Below are the imports via containers from Argentina. The data is also from DataLiner:

Container Imports from Argentina to Brazil | Jan 2019 – Sep 2023 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

From January to November, Argentina maintained its position as the third-largest destination for goods exported by Brazil, with a share of 5.11%. China remains in the first position with 30.7%, and the United States is in second place with 10.75%. The Netherlands comes in fourth with 3.6%.

Source: Valor Econômico

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