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Argentina hopes to boost domestic demand and dairy exports

Feb, 23, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202208

According to Argentina’s Ministry of Agriculture, the country intends to promote measures to stimulate the domestic market and increase dairy exports in 2022/23.

To this end, the Argentine Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Matías Lestani, and the National Dairy Director, Arturo Videla, met with representatives of the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of the Argentine Dairy Chain (FunPel).

According to data from the Ministry, during 2021, the dairy chain produced the equivalent of US$ 6.387 billion and exported US$ 1.335 billion, an increase per tonne of 17% compared to the previous year.

According to FunPel’s executive manager, Gustavo Mozeris, the dairy chain ranks sixth in terms of export value in the agro-industrial complex and tenth in terms of all economic activities in Argentina. He also stated that the industry supports 187 thousand direct and indirect jobs.

“We are working on specific follow-up actions, such as the financing scheme through the Ganadería Argentina (GanAr) plan, which has a chapter for dairy farming,” stated Arturo Videla.

Source: Money Times

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