
Argentina’s national strike halts transport

Apr, 30, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201919

Two of Argentina’s workers’ organizations, CTA and CTA Autónoma, along with several unions from different sectors, have organized a nation-wide general strike in Argentina today. Argentinian workers are protesting President Macri’s austerity measures, introduced to comply with the terms of a U$56bn credit line from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The move is one of the largest strikes observed in the country’s recent history.

“Tuesday’s strike will be one of the largest in the last few years because people are really tired,” said Pablo Moyano, one of the leaders of the truckers’ union.

According to Mercopress, divisions among some unions have meant the whole country is not paralyzed. Many train and bus services are in operation today. However, many of the ports are not operating. A spokesman for Aerolineas Argentinas told Bloomberg 350 flights were canceled due to the strike, affecting 22,000 passengers.

Oil and gas production is expected to be normal today; however, some oil worker unions in the southern Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, and Chubut province pledged to take part in the strike. According to Mercopress Oil workers in Neuquen province, where the Vaca Muerta shale formation is located, are planning to call a strike of their own amid wage negotiations.

Tomorrow, unions plan to lead a rally at the presidential palace joined by politicians from the opposition party.

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