Ports and Terminals

Argentine port workers to begin new strike beginning Wednesday at midnight

May, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202123

Argentine port workers said on Tuesday that they would begin a new 48-hour strike beginning at midnight on Wednesday. On Tuesday night, a group of 11 unions issued a statement announcing the new strike. They ask to be designated as essential workers, which would make them suitable for the Covid-19 vaccination.

Last week, the workers stopped agricultural exports to demand they be included in the categories to be vaccinated. Striking tug captains and other workers hampered cargo traffic in the port center of Rosario at the seaport from which 80% of the country’s exports are shipped.

See the chart below for Argentina’s largest container exports in 2020, according to DataLiner data:

Top 10 products exported by Argentina via container | Jan to Dec 2020 | TEU

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

So far, 75,056 people have died of the virus in Argentina, and the second wave of infections is now hitting the country.

Source: Money Times

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