
Argentine wheat production is hampered by lack of rainfall

Nov, 25, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201948

According to Argentina’s Ministry of Agroindustry, wheat production in the country this season is expected to fall by 500,000 tons to 19m due to dry weather in significant producing areas. The forecast is that the harvest is 2.4% lower than the 2017/18 crop.

By 11/22, 17% of Argentina’s sown area of 6.6m hectares had been harvested, compared to 18% in the same period of the past cycle. In 2017/18, 6.29m hectares were planted with the grain.

The following chart, with data from Indec, shows Argentine wheat exports from 2015 to 2019:

October soybean grinding record

On the other hand, soybean crushing in Argentina reached a new historical record of 3.93m tons, higher than 3.90m tons processed in the same month of 2015.

According to research conducted by the Undersecretariat of Agricultural Markets, during the 2018/2019 business cycle, the accumulated processing for the period from April to October totaled 27.79m tons, which represents more than half of the 2018/2019 harvest, which confirms the good grinding rate of the agribusiness sector, which operates without limitations above the accumulated volume on the same date of the last harvest, which was 22.97m tons.

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