Ports and Terminals

Arroio do Sal port advances to environmental impact assessment stage

May, 24, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202321

The Porto Meridional project in Arroio do Sal, Rio Grande do Sul, is currently in the environmental impact assessment stage. This process is expected to take about a year and will enable the project to obtain the preliminary license, which precedes the installation license. Once the permit is obtained, construction can begin.

The construction phase is projected to last two years, with a completion date set for the end of 2027. The port area, access roads, and a passage through Lagoa da Itapeva will be developed during this period.

According to André Busnello, the legal director of Porto Meridional, the environmental study has unique characteristics. However, no significant obstacles are anticipated for the project.

Senator Luis Carlos Heinze is one of the key political figures supporting the Arroio do Sal Port. In March, he met with the Minister of Ports and Airports, Márcio França, in Brasília. During the meeting, the minister pledged to expedite the federal authorization processes, including those from the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama).

Senator Heinze highlights the disparity between Santa Catarina, which has seven ports, and Rio Grande do Sul, which has only one. He has been actively working to improve access to the new port, aiming to establish routes that will foster business development.

The investment in the Porto Meridional project amounts to approximately R$ 6 billion. The envisioned project includes a privately-owned terminal with an estimated receiving capacity of 40,000 tonnes.

Source: Rádio Caxias

To read the original news report, see: https://radiocaxias.com.br/portal/noticias/porto-de-arroio-do-sal-avanca-mais-uma-fase-no-licenciamento-ambiental-149133

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