Ports and Terminals

ATP takes a stand on charging for the container segregation service

Jun, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202126

The full transcription of the official note of the ATP, signed by its president Murillo Barbosa:

The Association of Private Port Terminals (ATP) is closely following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between CADE and ANTAQ regarding the charge for the Segregation and Delivery of Containers Service (SSE). The express recognition of the legality and legitimacy of the CADE charge increases national and international investor confidence in current and future port assets that are known to demand intensive capital and long-term maturity in a high-risk environment.

ATP defends the continuous reduction of entry barriers and the fight against abusive activities through competition between agents, in an environment of free pricing. In an open market, the application of any restriction on business freedom, such as a price cap, has the practical effect of reducing the competitiveness and efficiency of port services, to the detriment of the final consumer.

For this reason, the entity will continue to act firmly and decisively against initiatives that are harmful to the promotion of port activity, such as the standardization of items, creation of franchises, application of ceiling prices, as well as any methodologies that distance the sectorial regulation of construction of an open and competitive market.

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