Auction results: port terminals in Maceió and Fortaleza secure bidders
Aug, 11, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202333
We now have the auction results for four tenders held on Friday (11) by the federal government regarding terminals in Maceió and Fortaleza. Although a fifth terminal, the POA01 terminal in Porto Alegre, was initially slated for bidding, the tender was suspended due to a lack of proposals.
In the first round, Origem Energia Canoas, a company under the management of Prisma Capital, emerged victorious in the bid for the liquid bulk terminal MAC 11A at the Port of Maceió. The group offered a grant of BRL 41 million, representing a premium of 171.22% over the BRL 15.1 million minimum set in the public notice regulations.
As the winner, the group will be required to invest around BRL 46.5 million over a 25-year period. Petrobras also participated in the bid, submitting a grant of BRL 32.2 million, a premium of 112.96%.
The terminal is currently operated by Transpetro. In an effort to enhance competition, the area was divided into MAC 11 and MAC 11A, and regulations were established to prevent sector-specific companies from forming associations in the new auction. Petrobras came to the point of contesting the public notice, raising concerns about aspects of the bidding process, but their request was denied.
Vibra Energia won the contract for the liquid bulk terminal MAC 11, also at the Port of Maceió. The group offered a grant of BRL 60 million, while the public notice had set a nominal amount of BRL 1 as the minimum requirement. As the winner, Vibra Energia will need to invest about BRL 21 million over 25 years.
Ipiranga also participated in the bid, making an offer of BRL 48 million. The competition advanced to an open outcry stage, with the company maintaining its initial proposal. Prior to the bidding, Ipiranga also challenged the tender, raising questions about points in the public notice, including a clause that prohibited distributors from forming a consortium to participate in the tender. However, their request was denied.
Still, in the bidding struggle over liquid bulk terminal MAC 12, also at the Port of Maceió, Ipiranga emerged victorious after an extended dispute. The group offered a grant of BRL 107 million.
With this win, Ipiranga will be responsible for approximately BRL 37.6 million in investments over a 25-year period. Two other groups participated in the bid: Stronghold Infra Investments, which offered BRL 106 million after an outcry dispute against Ipiranga, and Vibra, which submitted an offer of BRL 34 million. While Vibra was registered to participate in the open outcry competition, the company retained its initial proposal.
The MAC 12 terminal is currently operational and operated by a distributor consortium made up of Ipiranga, Petrobras, and Raízen.
Lastly, the Maritime Passenger Terminal (TMP), located in the Port of Mucuripe, Ceará’s capital, was acquired by Aba Infraestrutura e Logística. The company made an offer of BRL 100,000 for the asset.
The terminal will be operated by the group for 25 years and should receive R$ 3.2 million in investments.
A second bidder, Smart Construtora e Administração, had submitted an offer, but the company’s proposal guarantee was at odds with the notice’s rules, rendering the company unqualified to participate.
The terminal was constructed by the federal government under the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) as part of preparations for the 2014 World Cup events.
Source: Valor Econômico
To read the original news report, visit: https://valor.globo.com/empresas/noticia/2023/08/11/leilao-portos-origem-energia-canoas-desbanca-a-petrobras-e-vence-disputa-por-terminal-em-maceio.ghtml
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