Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos auctions to be brought forward

Jul, 20, 2020 Posted by andrew_lorimer

Week 202029

Brazil’s Federal Government’s Investment Partnership Program (PPI) has brought forward the auction for areas STS 08 and STS 8A, in the Port of Santos. The areas, which should be used for storage and distribution of liquid bulk cargoes, such as fuel, should be tendered later this year.

The decision was published this Monday, July 20, in the Federal Official Gazette. Previously, the auctions were expected to take place in the 2nd quarter of next year. The areas are the largest port tenders held in the country to date. Together, they should receive investments of approximately R$ 1.4 billion from future tenants.

The area known as STS 08 covers 137,319 m² and will be leased for 25 years during which investments of R$ 209.6 million must be made. The winning terminal operator will pay the port authority R$ 1,516,139 per month plus an additional R$ 9.35 per ton handled. As a result of the tender, the Port of Santos will gain a further two berths to handle liquid bulk.

The area known as STS 08a covers 305,688m² and will also be leased for 25 years during which investments must be made totalling R$ 1.196 billion over the 25 years of the contract. Monthly charges will be set at R$ 3,202,636 plus an additional R$ 7.13 per ton handled.

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