Embaixador de Bangladesh visita o Porto de Paranaguá
Ports and Terminals

Bangladesh plans to import US$1bn in goods from Brazil

Jun, 24, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201926

The ambassador of Bangladesh in Brazil, Zulfiqar Rahman, visited the Port of Paranaguá last Tuesday (05/18) to get to know its structure and discuss the possibility of new business between the Asian country and exporters from Paraná. According to him, the goal is for Bangladesh to import up to US$1bn in Brazilian products per year.

“The visit to the pier caught my attention, especially in terms of efficiency, about which I had already been informed,” said the ambassador. According to him, the focus of Bangladeshi imports will be soybeans, bran, sugar and cotton, among other products.

The country’s honorary consul in Curitiba, Marcelo Grendel Guimarães, explains that the intention is to increase the purchase of food. “We have 160m people in Bangladesh. One of the objectives of this visit is to begin importing chicken to feed this entire population.”

Rahman was welcomed by the business director of the company Portos do Paraná, André Pioli, who pointed out that in 2018 the port moved handled 53m tons. Also attending the visit were the ambassador of Bangladesh, Shameem Akhter, and the political advisor and head of chancellery, Samia Israt Ronee.

Source: Portos do Paraná

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